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 [Corporate Social Responsibility Policies]

KENTRON aspires to be a responsible corporation in terms of labor standards, human rights and environmental protection.

Furthermore, we encourage all stakeholders to follow the same policies and expect them to follow international conventions, such as human rights, as well as local legislations.

The document outlines KENTRON's Corporate Social Responsibility policies, and shall be a guideline for the employees as well as a directive for how we shall conduct its business.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policies are in accordance with the UN Global Compact Principles.

These Corporate Social Responsibility policies are publicly available on the company's web page www.KENTRONtech.com. Employees are informed through e-mail and the group's internal web.
1. Taking overall responsibility

Taking overall responsibility is an important core value at KENTRON. KENTRON endeavors to comply with international regulations, related laws, and internal rules, exercise sound and fair corporate practices, earn the trust of stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, and society. KENTRON will maintain constructive relationships with administrative bodies, remaining politically neutral and complying with laws, and will not engage in relationships with individuals or groups that threaten social order or safety.
2. Provision of valuable goods and services for society

KENTRON will provide valuable products and services with superior quality and safety to society, endeavoring to increase the satisfaction and trust of our customers and contributing to the healthy development of society.
3. Governance and integrity management

3.1 Integrity
KENTRON do not tolerate bribery of or by any business partner, government agency or public authority and maintain honest and fair relationships with government agencies and public authorities. All employees at KENTRON shall follow all rules and regulations that apply to KENTRON in addition to the local legislations in the area they operate.

In general employees may not give or receive gifts or entertainment, to or from current or potential suppliers, customers, or other business associates. Gifts that are classified as insignificant, and therefore not taxable according to local tax authorities, may be given or received provided that the purpose of the gift is not to obtain favorable treatment. Under no circumstances may gifts be given to government officials in any jurisdictions

3.2 Internal Report
Any employee is encouraged to suggest or notify the appropriate management level, within internal organization, if KENTRON becomes aware of possible violations of our Corporate Social Responsibility policies or legal regulatory requirements. Such suggestion or notification can be made by anonymous and we will protect the employee from any form of retaliation or investigation.

3.3 Business expenses
All employees must follow our policies and procedures regarding business expenses. Employees must submit accurate expense reimbursement forms.

3.4 Conflict of interest
KENTRON's employee will not, directly or indirectly, participate in any activity that is inconsistent with or opposed to KENTRON' best interests, or that gives the appearance of impropriety or divided loyalty. Each individual is asked to exercise good judgment and response to us if a potential conflict of interest arises.

All employees are expected to be loyal to KENTRON and KENTRON's interests.

3.5 Substance use or abuse
Use of alcohol or other drugs at or before work can cause safety issues, damage customer relations and hurt productivity and innovation. All employees are asked to use good judgment and keep in mind that they are expected to perform to their full ability when working for KENTRON. WE disagree and discourage any use of illegal drugs.

3.6 Professional Secrecy
KENTRON have an obligation of professional secrecy regarding all business matters and other situations that could give outsiders access to confidential information. Basically, all business matters not made public are to be considered confidential. Caution should be exercised when discussing our internal affairs in front of outsiders.

The same applies to discussions and distribution via open and/or external Internet-based media and any other electronic media.

3.7 Treatment of information
Information provided by KENTRON will be communicated correct, precisely and thorough, within and outside KENTRON. At the same time, KENTRON will respect confidentiality agreements between us and any stakeholder.

We will communicate extensively with customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, and society and disclose business information in a timely and fair manner. It will also conduct reliable financial reporting through accurate accounting processes.

3.8 Responsibility of top management
Top management and employees in managerial positions within each department must understand that they play an essential role in fulfilling the spirit of this Charter and thus, in addition to leading by example, they must ensure that this information is disseminated to everyone in KENTRON and all related parties. Management must always strive to understand the opinions of those both inside and outside of KENTRON to develop a sound internal framework that ensures that the spirit of this Charter is upheld. If any incident occurs that violates this Charter, top management will demonstrate, internally and externally, their determination to solve the problem and strive to identify the cause and prevent its recurrence. Furthermore, they will uphold information disclosure and accountability obligations. They will clarify the authority and responsibility of each manager and employee and deal rigorously and objectively with all people involved in the matter, including top management.
4. Communication

4.1 Customers
KENTRON is a customer oriented company and all customers shall be treated with respect and integrity. We develop and provide innovative, safe and outstanding high quality products and services that meet a wide variety of customers' demands to enrich the lives of people around the world. We will endeavor to protect the personal information of customers and everyone else we are engaged in business with, in accordance with the letter and spirit of each country's privacy laws.

4.2 Business Partner
KENTRON respect our business partners such as suppliers and dealers and work with them through long-term relationships to realize mutual growth based on mutual trust. In addition, we will encourage socially responsible behavior within its supply chain.

Whenever we seek a new business partner, we are open to any and all candidates, regardless of nationality or size, and evaluate them based on their overall strengths.

We maintain fair and free competition in accordance with the letter and spirit of each country's competition laws.

4.3 Employees
KENTRON respect the personal life of the employees and believe that the success of our business is led by each individual's creativity and good teamwork. We stimulate personal growth for our employees.

We support equal employment opportunities, diversity and inclusion for our employees and do not discriminate against them.

We strive to provide fair working conditions and to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees.

We respect and honor the human rights of people involved in our business and, in particular, do not use or tolerate any form of forced or child labor.

We recognize our employees' right to freely associate, or not to associate, complying with the laws of the countries in which we operate.

Management of each company takes leadership in fostering a corporate culture, and implementing policies, that promote ethical behavior.

4.4 Shareholders
KENTRON strive to enhance corporate value while achieving a stable and long-term growth for the benefit of our shareholders.

We provide our shareholders and investors with timely and fair disclosure on our operating results and financial condition.

As a listed company, we are subject to stringent regulations regarding information that could affect the share price. No employees or elected officers with precise and confidential inside information can give advice or trade, themselves or through close associates, in securities issued by us. Inside information is defined as information "which has not been made public and is not commonly known" and "is likely to have a significant effect on the price" of the securities. This also applies to information that for different reasons is not made public by the company. The responsibility for assessing whether one possesses inside information lies with the individual, regardless of the trust in the company's ability to fulfill its information obligations to the stock exchange.
5. Human rights and labor standards

5.1 Human rights
KENTRON support and respect internationally acknowledged human right standards. Any violation or discrimination due to gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.

5.2 Labor standards

5.2.1 Working environment
KENTRON aim to be a stimulating place to work with an inclusive working environment. We conduct ourselves with integrity and show respect for colleagues and other we meet through work.

5.2.2 Working hours
KENTRON believe that our employees perform best when there is a reasonable balance between work and leisure. Furthermore, KENTRON shall be in compliance with local legislations concerning working hours and overtime.

5.2.3 Wages
All employees shall be secured a total salary that is fair, competitive, and in accordance with the local industry standard.

Equal pay for work of equal value, regardless of gender is emphasized at KENTRON. The remuneration of employment for comparable positions is the same for women and men.

5.2.4 Disciplinary practices
KENTRON follows the local regulations regarding the working environment in its countries of operations.

5.2.5 Employment contracts
All employees in KENTRON shall have an employment contract describing their position and tasks, the remuneration, the period of employment (permanent, deputyship or freelancers), and other general terms that may apply.

The remuneration is reviewed once a year and other general terms are reviewed if needed. The employment contracts shall be signed by the employee and us.

5.2.6 Recruitment, promotion and development of staff
The recruitment, promotion and development of the staff are based on merit and equal opportunity regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status and disability.

5.2.7 Discrimination and harassment
Discrimination, bullying or harassment is not accepted at KENTRON. Employees are asked to report incidents of such behavior to their immediate supervisor or the employee representative.

5.3 Health and safety
Our employees' safety is of the utmost importance to us. Health and safety are to be safeguarded in a way that creates a high level of job satisfaction and a healthy working environment. KENTRON will monitor and take precautions to secure its employees' health and safety.
6. Environment

KENTRON aim for growth that is in harmony with the environment by seeking to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations, such as by working to reduce the effect of our products and operations on climate change and biodiversity. We strive to develop, establish and promote technologies enabling the environment and economy to coexist harmoniously and to build close and cooperative relationships with a wide spectrum of individuals and organizations involved in environmental preservation.

7. Social Contribution

KENTRON will carry out corporate activities that take into account the cultures and practices of each country and region and proactively engage in activities that contribute to society as a good corporate citizen.

Wherever we do business, we actively promote and engage, both individually and with partners, in social contribution activities that help strengthen communities and contribute to the enrichment of society.
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